Daily Notices

Monday 29th July


There will be a practice next Tuesday morning at 7.45am on the turf for both of these teams.

This practice will include the AIMS Futsal boys also.

Please have your gear and be ready to go at 7.45am.  If you cannot make it please see Mrs Gray in Room 13.

Thank you!


This is the opportunity for you! Applications are now open for the 2024 Culinary Arts Group (CARTS). This year our programme will run for a whole week, all day every day. This will also be the same week as our EOTC week so you won't be able to do both. Your teacher has all the information about EOTC week to share with you. 

Here is the link with the information   (you must use your TIS account to access the info. No access will be given to anyone outside of the TIS organisation)

This is the programme for you if...

  • You just love working with food

  • You are creative and passionate about food

  • You are willing to taste and try new flavours and foodie creations

  • You are prepared to take a risk 

  • You are great with time management and self organisation

  • Work as a team and make new friends!

Go on, put yourself out there and come and see me if you would like any more information.

Mrs Shakeshaft (currently residing in Rm 1 and currently with purple 'ish' hair)

Monday 29th / Tuesday 30th July:

Girls Football - 

Practice on Tuesday lunchtime with Krystal and Shay - please let me or Krystal know if you cannot make this pracitce.

Game on Wednesday - vs Karamu High Juniors at Taradale High School - 4pm kick off.  Please be there by 3.30pm for a warm up.

If you cannot make this game - please let me know.


Mrs Gray.

Weekly Notices

Longer term, weekly notices will be here. Don't forget to check the notices dails so you don't miss out!

Monday 22nd to Wednesday 25th July


Mr Sisam and the AMS Team would love to catch up with all the ex-Arthur Miller year 6s from 2023– so you are invited to a special event!  This will be an opportunity to reconnect with your teachers, the leadership team and, of course, your old classmates.  Come along and share how your journey to intermediate has been.  We’d love to know how AMS has had a part to play in setting you up for success on your journey.  Some kai will be provided.

When:                         3.15pm – 4.15pm, Wednesday 14th August

Where:                        The Arthur Miller School hall

RSVP:                           By Wednesday 7th August – please return the slip to Mrs Donkin in Room 6.

Notices will be delivered to your classrooms on Monday or Tuesday.

Any questions - Please see Mrs Donkin


We no longer have late starts on Fridays.  This is just a reminder that you can enter the school grounds at 8.15am and the first bell goes at 8.35am.


Please see Hero and newsletter for further details.


A reminder that we have a few out of bounds areas during school time.

1.  Bike stands

2.  Front of school - so our visitors can come and go without having to navigate through learners.

3.  Side of office - do not sit beside the office and bang on the walls - incredibly annoying for those working in this space.  You have the seated area outside the Innovation Centre and the BBQ tables to sit at. Please use them.

4.  Carpark.

Mrs Woolley and Pastoral Care

Did you know Mrs Woolley has an email address?

It is ineedhelp@taradaleint.school.nz

This the best way to let Mrs Woolley know you need to have a chat!

Hockey Games

For this week's game times and future draw, please install the HB Hockey app or look here​​​​​​​


With these chilly mornings, what could be better than arriving for a day of learning with a warming hot chocolate in your hands???

Hot chocolate sales are back on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, 8:15 - 8:35. See you there!

The TIS Barista Crew!

PTA Fundraising - Beanies

The PTA are currently fundraising to contribute to a new school van!

With the weather getting colder, what better way to keep warm than with a TIS beanie! 

These are a bargain at just $15 and can be worn to/from school, at morning tea and lunchtimes and even at PE if you need that extra boost of warmth.

Please support our school by placing your order via Lunchonline today! Orders close at the end of term 2. If there is sufficient demand, a second run will occur next term.

These will be delivered in Term 3.


Our Taradale Intermediate Colour Fun Run is now live!  All funds raised will be put towards a new school van.  This fundraiser is part of our School Cross Country (to be held on Friday 2 August 2024) so be prepared for lots of fun and laughter!

Each student will be able to setup their very own fundraising page on the website and we have lots of great spot prizes.

As part of creating a fundraising page choose your classroom as your fundraising team. The website includes leader boards allowing us to create a little bit of healthy competition between teams. You can view the leader boards and links to information about fundraising prizes on our Fundraising hub page: https://taradaleintermediatecolourfunrun.raiseit.co.nz/

Anyone signed up and has a donation by 10am, 3 July goes into a draw to win a Karaoke Microphone. 

Prizes are:


1st prize - $100 voucher

2nd prize - $50 voucher

3rd prize - $30 voucher


1st prize – pizza lunch

2nd prize – ice blocks

We thank you for your support to get a new van (very exciting!!) and you will even earn a Service Point for helping us to raise funds!

Happy fundraising!


Week 2 - Interclass Footy (Semi finals)

Tuesday - Room 3 vs 6 Refs: Kadin Bewick & Matt Peterson

Room 2 vs 50 Refs: Drew Glenworth & Aiden Carlisle

Wednesday: Finals!!! ​​​​​​​Refs: TBC