Daily Notices

12 09 2024 UNIFORM CHECK

On road patrol this morning Mrs Eddy noticed that there were a lot of ākonga who were not wearing the correct footwear.

This means either 

  • Sandals (No Socks)
  • Black School Shoes (NO SNEAKERS) and
    • Plain white socks
    • School Socks

If you are not wearing appropriate shoes / socks these will need to go into your bag until after school.

If there is a reason for you not to be wearing the correct footwear you will need a note from home, and to get a uniform chit from David in the office.

Monday 16th September

AIMS Boy's Futsal - all sports jackets and trackies as well as your playing shirt to be returned this week - washed and in a named bag please to Mrs Lindsay in the libray.


Mrs Gray.


Meeting today for the digidale team in Room 6 after lunch eating.

Also can the following presenters come with their devices to this meeting also: 

Aden Murray

Julian Roper

Rehan Ali

Kerwin Bickers

Blake Van Nierk

Callum Brown

Ruby Hayes

Ona Tosk

Thanks Mrs L

Monday 16 September

Hauora Kaitiaki - can I quickly see you at morning tea today in Room 17 (art).  There is another ākonga hui Monday of week 10 so need to see who can attend that.

Mrs H 

Weekly Notices

Longer term, weekly notices will be here. Don't forget to check the notices dails so you don't miss out!

Mrs Woolley and Pastoral Care

Did you know Mrs Woolley has an email address?

It is ineedhelp@taradaleint.school.nz

This the best way to let Mrs Woolley know you need to have a chat!

Weeks 6 - 10 Digi lunchtimes!

Minecraft/Digi/Robotics/Publicity editing in the Digi room every Wednesday after lunch eating. See you there!

PTA Fundraising - Beanies

The PTA are currently fundraising to contribute to a new school van!

With the weather getting colder, what better way to keep warm than with a TIS beanie! 

These are a bargain at just $15 and can be worn to/from school, at morning tea and lunchtimes and even at PE if you need that extra boost of warmth.

Please support our school by placing your order via Lunchonline today! Orders close at the end of term 2. If there is sufficient demand, a second run will occur next term.

These will be delivered in Term 3.

Week 9 & 10 

Heading to Taradale High school next year and are keen to play netball? They are offering a netball training camp in January to help them develop your skills as a player. The details are on the image below. You must be enrolling into Taradale High to be able to register for the training camp!